Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A Huge Mistake

"Hmm. Who knew Kathy's skinny bird arms could throw so far?" Kyle watched as the medallion glittered in the sun briefly before it plopped into the lake. Just a week ago he was working hard at the family business when his sister Kathy showed up with a six pack of beer. She taunted him and told him that he shouldn't be such a party pooper. Little did Kyle know that Kathy was jealous that he was put in charge of the business even though she was the older child. Sure she had become a cheesy magician while Kyle went to college, but she refused to acknowledge that. The spiked beer did what it was meant to do and when Kyle woke up he found that he was now in his sisters body and she was now in his, "Hey there 'sis' Now I am the top dog! Thanks to this medallion I will be running the company while you become the family black sheep!" At first Kyle was terribly hurt by what Kathy had done. Slowly though he began to find that not having any responsibility or stress was pretty much awesome. He heard rumbles from his mother that 'Kyle' was acting really odd at work and that he might finally be cracking under the pressure. Kyle decided to wait a week and see if Kathy would come running to him to swap back. As the week began to draw to an end though Kyle began to find it harder and harder not to explore his new 'surroundings'. Finally in the shower he gave in and rubbed his clitoris raw. For the rest of the day he chased female orgasm after female orgasm. The pleasure he experienced strengthened his resolve. That night he drove to his office, Kathy had not thought to change the access codes. Kyle pulled the medallion from the box inside the wall safe, careful to not disturb anything or give away that he had been there. With Medallion in hand Kyle set off for the closest body of water, Lake Wobagon, six hours away. Now the medallion was at the bottom of the lake and he would be living his sisters life, for better or worse. The peace was disturbed by the sound of his phone chiming. Reading the screen a smile spread on his lips as he saw that the call was from 'baby bro', "Hi Kathy, have you decided to swap back?" The sound of what was once his voice shakily came over the line, "I've made a huge mistake. Please come back and take over!" Kyle looked out over the water, "Sure Sis, I'll see you around noon. Don't worry everything is going to be just fine."


  1. Careful what you wish for. I'd say "baby bro" got the long end of that deal.

  2. Nice, I like the way you turned the tables on poor Kathy! Nicely done!!


    1. Thanks Zapper! I got a bit of inspiration from 'Arrested Development'.

    2. Story by Jennifer White? Nice - I like that one too.


    3. No actually the TV show from a few years back with Justin Bateman and Will Arnett. I will have to check out this Jennifer White story though, thanks!
