Thursday, January 31, 2013

Through the Looking Glass

"Hello? Please let me out. I promise I won't tell anyone what you did to me. No one would even recognize me after all the...changes you've made. Please.I just want to see the sun again." The Voice crackled through the speaker, the only voice she had heard since she had been abducted. She had no idea how long she had been captive as night and day had become impossible to distinguish. The only markers of change she had were the times she would fall asleep and then awaken with new augmentations. She counted thirty seven times to get her to her current appearance. The only evidence that she had ever been a man was the tiny flaccid penis and empty scrotum tucked away in her panties and she knew deep in her heart that those would surely go next. She was having trouble thinking properly as the mental conditioning programs she had been undergoing had begun to take root in her brain aided by the mixture of hormones and psychotropic drugs. Once in a while though her old male ego would fight its way to the surface and throw what the Voice called a "tantrum". "You will be allowed outside once you are perfect Karen. Until then please resume your exercise regiment." She smacked the glass with her palm in frustration,"My name is not Karen it''s....Paul? Perry? I can't remember my name." That realization sat heavy in her ample chest. "Your name is Karen. Karen is a sweet and kind girl who will make a lovely submissive wife for my son in law. He is still in mourning over my daughters untimely death at the hands of a drunken frat boy who decided it would be a good idea to get behind the wheel with a blood alcohol level of .21. That foolish boy is gone now Karen, he is gone and you are here to take his place and pay his debt. NOW. CONTINUE. YOUR. EXERCISE.REGIMENT!" 


  1. Now that's poetic justice. Karen should be lucky, prison would be much worse, especially now.

    1. Oh that would have been a perfect threat to drop in to "the voices" dialogue!

  2. I love the pic you used to accompany your story. I like these justice served type stories.

    1. Thanks Lady Alexia, I really enjoy the revenge/justice theme myself but finding a good picture to go with the story can be tough. If you spot any you want to see used send it my way!
