Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Preventative Measures

Eve held her husband's hair while he threw up for the third time that day. Phil was like the now thousands of victims that had come down with what the media was calling the Fem Virus. The symptoms began as the common flu, but on the second day when the fever was at its highest the patient would began to show dramatic loss of muscle, a reduction in height and weight and a growth of hair on their head accompanied with loss of body hair. By the third day breast, buttocks and hip tissue would begin to grow and facial features began to become soft and feminine. The most troubling development to most of the victims was the shrinking of the penis and testicles. Those that could still accomplish an erection found that it was now no longer than an inch or two and the study of their ejaculate found an almost non existent level of sperm. The Center for Disease Control had also found a few facts that they had not released to the public, all the affected men were "serial cheaters" that had gotten the flu shot recently and that the Mage's employed by the government found a distinct spell on the serum that was meant to affect only men that had been unfaithful to their current spouse or significant other. They would soon have to make this announcement and publicly acknowledge the existence of magic to prevent  any further transformations as the combo virus/curse had no cure. Many of the now transformed men would find life that much harder with not just transformed bodies but angry wives and girlfriends to deal with.